Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Too Much Soaping Lately?

Remember "Castaway", the movie starring Tom Hanks and a volleyball? He named the ball Wilson (it was a Wilson volleyball), and made it/him his friend. I think I have my very own Wilson. Is that... wrong?

I was having a hard time coming up with a name for a new fragrance formulation. I'm a girl who can head into space pretty quickly, so that's where I went to try to solve my problem. When I came back into focus (literally and figuratively), I spied this little soap ball that had been tossed aside about a month ago. It was part of a batch of Kumquat soap. The batch was nice, but a little too soft so I made a few soap spheres with it. I had also topped the batch with calendula petals, which ended up on top.

Still without a name for my new fragrance, I found myself decorating my soap ball and turning him into Bubba. This is a sure sign that I need more fresh air in my days!


Kelley said...

Heather, you are too creative!
Bubba is adorable...
I need to get more soaping into my days...things have been crazy busy and I keep putting it off.
Meanwhile I have several {ok, ALOT} of new fragrance oils that are screaming to be soaped!

Wishing you a day of fresh-air and that you figure out a name for your fragrance!

koinonia community said...

I blame those kind of moments on the kids!

Joanna Schmidt said...

I love your name for the ball! How perfect!!

No, you aren't alone. I don't think it's the air, I think it's the children who are slowly sucking the life from our brains.

Heather@Twin Birch said...

You girls are right! I couldn't even see it (them) when it (they) were right in front of me all along! Ironically, they don't think he's all that cute! :)

Suds to Love said...

Is there enough ventilation in the soap lab??? Love bubba... it's what I call the boys, so I don't have to pay attention to which one it is! Hope that doesn't make me sound like a bad "mom." Luckily they answer to just about anything.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh my goodness - this is adorable! I love how creative it is. =)

I just made a Kumquat Citrus soap last night. It smells a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Anonymous said...

Funny! Joanna's right about the kids sucking the life from our brains. I haven't started naming my creations yet, fortunately. ;>

Heidi said...

Ha! I love Castaway for some reason = ) Bubba is way better than Wilson...as long as you keep him away from the water, hehe.