Monday, September 29, 2008

Liberty Orchard Fun

On Friday I chaperoned Ella's kindergarten trip to Liberty Orchards in Brookfield. It's such a fun trip (I've done it 4 times!) The new owners are just as generous as the previous ones. They let each of the 3 classes take a big bag of apples back to school for lots of yummy munching.
The kids were taught how to pick an apple and keep the tree healthy. The next try was a great success!
The Canada Geese pulled into V-formation overhead. Can't wait to see them on their return trip
Isn't this the cutest class? Mrs. MacBruce is my favorite! I wish she could stay with them through to High School Graduation!
Ella's friend Olivia is part of the Kaplan clan. Their 3 line up with our 3 (Austen is a year older than Jacob, but he and Peter are fast friends with him) Isaac is in Cora's class. All of our kids have been friend since about day 2.

Sometimes things go perfectly. The rain that we were due to get from Hurricane Kyle showed up at exactly the same moment that we got back to school.


Suds to Love said...

I love your new wallpaper!

The class picture is great, with the scarecrows in the background. What a fun trip to be able to chaperone.

egassner said...

Looks like you guys had fun! It won't be long before we're picking apples and making cider!

Michelle said...

The kids look sweet. I love picking apples. We aren't doing so well in the orchards this season I've been told :( I wish I knew how to pick an apple without hurting the tree, what a great lesson for the kids :)

Anonymous said...

Kindergarteners are sooo cute! Orchards are so much fun to visit.

I envy you getting rain. We've not had rain here since early in the month. Things are so dry, the UPS driver today said he felt like a powdered donut. ;D

Pajama Mama said...

Look how cute in their little jackets which obviously means they are quite cool while we are still in the 90s but that's ok. Our version of Fall's coming. We put our scarecrows and punkins out ANYWAY!!!

Enjoy your apples!

Carrie Garvin said...

This is GREAT!!!! What a beautiful time of year. The girls looked like that had soooo much fun at the orchard~ your 4th time--what great memories! You are a gem, one great MOM!

Is that picture on your header looking out your window???? OMG if it is~ a piece of heaven.

I miss Vermont.

Pajama Mama said...

Heehee. I'm not teasing you about our warmer (ok, hot) weather as much as I'm JEALOUS of your cool temps!!! We all get so tired of the heat by now...and the mosquitoes and gnats. When the low in the morning is 63, we feel like we'll get frostbite.