Friday, June 27, 2008

FDA Globalization Act of 2008. Your Voice Counts!

I love to poke in on Donna Maria's Indie Business Blog. She's so smart and a really great resource for small indie businesses. She's also really lovely~ I met her at the HSMG Conference. I owe her a huge thank you for the post she did about the FDA Globalization Act of 2008. You should stop reading this and get right over there to sign her petition if you value the freedom to make and buy hand crafted bath & beauty products.

This act says in a nutshell that the government needs to regulate more firmly the cosmetics industry (among others) and that all of us independent crafters should be charged $2,000 annually to register with them and other fees up to $10,000 additional for reasons I haven't quite sorted out. You can read the whole thing here.

When I read Donna Maria's post I was angry and sad. I realized that I really, really love everything about hand crafting bath & body products and I don't want to lose the chance to sell my products. Not only do I believe wholeheartedly in the good vibe of handcrafted products, but I also know how incredibly good they are for us all.

Ironically, indie beauty companies almost universally represent better, safer, more natural and responsible manufacturing ideals, yet they are seen as problematic by the government. My theory is that the corporate detergent makers are running scared because they see the trend moving toward the higher quality product that we all produce.

So, if you're moved, go over to Donna Maria's site and take some action. You don't have to be a manufacturer. If you enjoy the freedom of choosing where to buy your cosmetics/bath & body products, this will also effect you. You'll lose your choice and be stuck with buying from big name, faceless corporations who honestly don't care about your skin or your joy. I promise, all of us who craft bath products with our hands and hearts care a lot about your skin, joy and more!


Carrie Garvin said...

Good post Heather. By the time insurance, inventory, etc... is paid, then this~ it would just fold alot of businesses~ including mine.

Somewhat of an "impact" fee I'd say. To slow-down building in my area the impact fee is over 10,000 dollars per house built. Look's like the gov't wants to slow down...small biz...but hey~ what about the American dream?

Like they say the rich, just keep getting richer...

Anonymous said...

I saw that at DM's site and think it's totally outrageous. :(