Monday, June 23, 2008

A's End Their Season With a lot of PRIDE!

The A's played their final game against the Dodgers on Saturday. Although they lost, they are a GREAT TEAM!!! Not only has Peter learned how to be a great baseball player, but he has found new friends and become closer to old ones. The A's were graceful losers. They were the first ones out of the dugout to congratulate the Dodgers. This Friday we'll finish the season with a team picnic and a pick up game. (parents against the kids?) It's very exciting to be one of the parents who gets to celebrate the Mighty A's! Congrats you guys!


Carrie Garvin said...

Win or lose~ it sounds like Peter had a wonderful experience...and that's more important than who won the last game! Friendship and family time are a winning combination anytime in a child's life.


Anonymous said...

I think that's the true beauty to team sports - learning to win or lose graciously, making friends and deepening friendships. Way to go, Peter and his team!!

Heather, I hope you (and Cora) are feeling much, much better now! And more importantly, I hope you don't get that stomach bug again.

Suds to Love said...

What a wonderful experience for Peter!