Belize was indescribably beautiful! We had a fabulous trip! It was so wonderful to share great time with Gerry's parents. We are all so thankful for this fun adventure! My favorite phrase came from one of the locals... "Let the breeze blow!" You can feel that philosophy in everyone in Belize. It's friendly, interesting and very laid back. I loved it! These pictures are from the day that we visited the Mayan Ruins in the Cayo district. We were at Xunantunich (shu-nan-tu-niche). The highest structure there is called El Castillo . It's 130 feet high. The kids & Gerry did a great job staying up there & looking around. Me? not so much. I went up and I went right back down. That was just plenty for me! The ruins are breath-taking!

ps. here's a link to the wonderful place that we stayed. It's the perfect spot! Almond Beach Resort, Hopkins, Belize